Monday 22 July 2013

Update to "Why am I doing this?": Epic Awesomeness sometimes requires unashamed self-promotion

Right, so if you have read my previous post you will know that I am super proud of my monster cake.

It is currently my avatar, but here it is again:

Yes. Super.

And you will also know that I purchased the recipe for this awesome rainbow cake from Janet of Quaint Cakes. Now why I think of Janet first when I think of recipes is that her Facebook page   always has testimonials from people thanking her for a great recipe and showing what they made or how completely enormous their cake was when baked.  Usually I hate being advertised to, but this I strangely like. Real people, real cakes, not all professionals. People just saying "look how your awesome recipe helped me".

So I debate it for a while, who knows maybe MY cake will appear on her page! But what if people are mean about it? What if they don't care?  I take a moment to slap myself and remind myself to seek out the Epic at all times. GO FOR IT YOU WIMP!

I send Janet a thank you note, which was completely sincere, and a picture of the inside and outside of my monster cake

Well, lovely Janet emails to say can she use my testimonial and I say I would be honoured, but think She Probably Says That To Everyone and know there is a good chance I will never see the Monster on her page. 

But Hooray! That afternoon, there he is*:

I was so excited!  And then the "likes" started rolling in.   There were even a few lovely comments.  People really thought he was cool!  At my last check he had 100 likes!  I was so amazed.

Thank you lovely people for making one woman so happy. I know it's just a click on a like button, but it's a click you made, and it's like a little pat on the back. I treasure every one.

Thank you for making my day Epically Awesome.

I am Tracey, I feel Epic.

* As Janet has refilled the photo into a different album all the likes and comments have been lost. I am so glad I took that screen shot or I might think it was all a dream!

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